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Expressing gratitude to our generous contributors! The previous conference made a significant impact by offering support and financial aid to more than 30 women and benefiting 9 diverse ministries. Anticipating our upcoming conference, we're thrilled to reveal our collaboration with six new ministries, all geared up to make a positive impact on The Kingdom by empowering young women to recognize their inherent worth. Join us in this meaningful endeavor and secure your tickets today!
Needville/Rosenberg- Mission America & Kintsukuroi Tent Revival
Thu, Oct 19
|Rosenberg and Needville Revival Location
Get Ready! Across the great state of Texas and spreading like a wildfire will be Tents of Testimony events. No matter what you are facing today, be ready to obtain freedom, receive support, and be filled with a renewed hope that can only be given through Jesus and the Word of Testimonies!
Registration is closed
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